Banana Effect
If you have difficulty in sleeping and do not want to take sleeping pills, you can eat one banana and sit still without moving. It will make you sleep immidiately even if you are at the peak of your activity(Energy Level) and the reason is that your body will produce serotonin, which has the same effect as Anesthesia.
It also helps to overcome a large number of diseases and conditions, so it should be added to our daily food.
Banana ingredients
Bananas are rich in vitamins (especially vitamin B6), rich in mineral elements (especially potassium), rich in fiber, pectin, and yeasts. They are very rich in sugars (sucrose, fructose and glucose) and contain carbohydrates, proteins, volatile oils and organic acids.
And in the banana peel there is a lot of carotene and tanning substances.
As for the amount of calories in 100 grams of bananas, it is 100 calories.
Benefits of Banana on Health:
Melancholy: According to another examination, on individuals experiencing sorrow, numerous individuals felt better in the wake of eating bananas, as bananas contain tryptophan, a kind of protein that the body changes over into serotonium, which gives the body comfort and relaxation, improves mood, and makes you feel happy.
Anemia: Bananas contain high levels of iron, and bananas stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps treat anemia.
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, and it is recommended to eat bananas to get rid of acidity.
Morning ailment: uplifting news for pregnant ladies, no sickness toward the beginning of the day with bananas, bananas work to quiet the stomach, and spread delight in the body, as it feeds the kid.
Bananas contain a high level of fiber, so including them in the diet helps to restore the normal work of the intestine, and helps to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
3)Mosquito Bites
Before you think of creams and ointments, there is an easier and better way. Rub the mosquito bite into the white inner skin of the banana, which works to reduce swelling and redness.
4)Stomach Ulcers
Bananas are used to treat intestinal disorders due to their soft texture. The banana is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over sick cases.
5)The menstrual cycle
Forget the soothing pills, and eat bananas before and during the menstrual cycle, because it works to regulate glucose levels in the blood, which improves your mood and provides you with vitamin B6 and calms pain.
As indicated by research in ‘The New England Journal of Medicine’, eating bananas, have a feature of an ordinary eating regimen can cut the danger of death by strokes by as much as 42%.
Hence banana is a complete, complete food, and when compared to apples, bananas contain four times more protein, twice more carbohydrates, three times more phosphorous, five times more vitamin A and iron, and twice more vitamins and minerals, and it is also rich in potassium.
7) Blood Pressure
This interesting tropical natural product is very high in potassium yet low in salt, making it ideal to beat circulatory strain.
Stimulate the ability of the brain: In a study of 200 students, they were given bananas at breakfast, recess, and lunch, to stimulate the ability of the brain. The study proved that the potassium-rich fruits stimulate the brain ability of students to learn more.
Read also: 1) Not All Plant-Based Foods Are Equal: The Risks of Ultraprocessed Plant Based Food Choices to Our Health
2) CDC Report on GSK RSV Vaccine: Understanding Guillain-Barre Syndrome Risk
3) Irvine Farmers Market 4us “Great Park Certified Farmers Market: Fresh Produce and Fun
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